A little about me


My name is Minal. I am a mom, a wife, a designer and a photographer. I am a mom of two adorable little girls, a wife to an software engineer who is always ready to take on the job of an assistant and live in issaquah. I am originally from Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. I speak 5 languages and write and read two of those. I am crazy about movies — some of favorites are Paddinton, Star Wars, Pitch Perfect, Moana, Totoro (actually any of the Miyasaki movies). I also love playing outdoors, being silly with my kids and their friends, roller coasters and Disneyland. I love being able to capture those precious little moments and glimpses of what we are right now in my photos. Being so far from my family, it became very important to me to capture all our wonderful moments and memories so as to be able to look back and relive those same ones with my daughters as they grow. I know what pictures mean and what they bring – it gives me joy to be able to do the same for you and your family.

I feel really blessed that I was able to make my passion into my career. My interest in photography is something I inherited from my father.I have a BFA in interior design which helps me in assessing spaces and surroundings. Every client is different and so is every situation – I learn and improve day by day. I specialize in modern lifestyle photography. I love using natural light and surroundings — so shooting outdoors is very often what I tend to do. But during the winter days my cozy little studio works too.

In all my session, the first 30 mins is me just getting to know your family and making you and your family comfortable and relaxed. I want you to love this session just as much as I will. The idea is to have them be themselves — silliness and all. I am a very open minded person so look forward to hearing your ideas and what you want out of OUR session together and I promise to try my best and up to my ability to incorporate them


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